The Cruelty Free Shop Supports No Meat May

The Cruelty Free Shop Supports No Meat May

No Meat May in the time of COVID-19

5 Apr 2020 - Ryan Alexander & Guy James Whitworth

We grappled with whether we should still run No Meat May during a global crisis.

We questioned if it was appropriate to run a behaviour change challenge while many people are without work, and many of our partner businesses have closed their doors.

With lives and livelihoods being lost, we wondered whether the world would have capacity for our humble challenge.  But after much deliberation, we decided pushing on is the right thing to do.

No Meat May is built around empowering community, and supporting people to make positive changes. At a very uncertain time, when many of us are physically distanced from loved ones, it’s a way to connect to a supportive community while also helping your health and the world.

One thing COVID-19 is teaching us is that we can and must live differently to protect the most vulnerable – and that includes animals and our fragile planet. Also, what better time to experiment with delicious, plant-based cooking than when you are holed up at home?

The good news, No Meat May is and always will be free! As many people are doing it tough, we have also shifted our focus to help people eat well, for less. 

The four big reasons to do No Meat May are not going away. In fact, in these unprecedented times, they are more relevant than ever.

1. Do it for your health

This pandemic is making us all more aware of the importance of caring for our health. Plant foods are packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients, which lift our immunity and lower our risk of disease.

 The evidence is also strong that the way meat is produced – and not just in China – contributed to COVID-19. Some infectious disease experts say we have actually gotten off lightly with the current pandemic, as many more diseases passed from animals to humans have higher mortality rates.

By switching to a plant-based diet this May, you’ll boost your health, shore up your immunity and even play a part in stopping the spread of deadly new viruses.

 2. Do it for the environment

We welcome the much-needed breathing space our natural world is getting because humans have had to pause. But our planet is still hurting. Forests are still being cleared at unprecedented rates to meet a growing demand for meat. That’s even after the crippling bushfire crisis in Australia just a few months back. And the mystical, intelligent life in our oceans is still under constant threat from overfishing.

This May, you can help shape a better, post-pandemic future for nature simply by taking meat off the menu. Sign up to No Meat May for great veggie isolation recipes that you can cook up for your family and flatmates.

3. Do it for the animals

For me, one beautiful impact of this crisis is that it’s showing us how interconnected we all are. We are seeing how much our individual actions matter. And we are changing how we live to save the lives of people we may never meet.

I hope we can extend this collective care to all the beautiful and sentient creatures we share our world with. Pigs, cows, chickens and other animals continue to suffer unbearably in factory farms. It’s industrial scale cruelty and injustice that you can help stop just by changing how you eat.

No Meat May is a great chance to switch to a cruelty-free diet. Take a stand against factory farming while pumping up your intake of plant proteins and leafy greens.

4. Do it for food equity

There is still so much inequity in our food system, with a billion people around the world not having enough to eat.  Yes, we are all in this pandemic together. But those in developing countries who are already battling hunger and poverty will be hardest hit. You can help create a more sustainable food system by embracing plant-based eating – which feeds more of us for less.

Want some budget-friendly veggie recipes that will keep you and your loved ones healthy during this crisis? Ready to make a behaviour shift that will help the world long after you emerge from isolation?

Join the inspiring No Meat May community today to stand up for our global community, your health, animals and the planet.

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  • Jessica Bailey
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